The Verein Neues Bilderbuch (New Picture Book Association) was founded in Hamburg in 2018
The purpose of the association is to promote picture book art.
Contemporary picture books reflect present-day issues from a current perspective and in a modern pictorial language. Children and adults can dive into the world of the picture book and discover an artistic interpretation of the world. The Verein Neues Bilderbuch aims to focus on the pictures in the books, and to promote and support the aesthetic evolution of picture book art.
The Association has launched the International Network for Picture Book Studies for specialist dialogue and scholarly research at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.
With the aims of supporting the artistic work of illustrators and of presenting their works to the public, the Association awards the Hamburger Bilderbuchpreis every two years.
Founding members
Dieter Böge, picture book author
Prof. Dr. Michaela Diener, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Anke Hennings-Huep, illustrator
Frank Kühne, Carlsen Verlag
Prof. Bernd Mölck-Tassel, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Horst Werner, Fabrik der Künste, Hamburg
Sabine Wilharm, illustrator